42 Magazine: “Rachel and Jenny”
A Cappella Zoo: “Weekends”
The Aurorean: “The Moon Is, Isn’t”
Birmingham Arts Journal: “Weird Love Poem #5”
Blue Collar Review: “The Bookseller III” (as “Break Room”), “The Bookseller V” (as “Mad Merchandising”), “Waiting” “Proletariat” “Worse”
Book of Matches: “Vacation” page 96
California Quarterly: “Teetotaler”
Constellations: “First”
Cover of Darkness: “Ruby Wakes Him”
Echo Ink Review: “Val and Tiggy”
Exact Change Only: “Token”
Existere: “Bed on Wheels” “Love Waits”
Falling Star Magazine: “After You Died”
The Fieldstone Review: “Ingredients” *Winner of the Fieldstone Review Literary Prize
Gingerbread House: “Core” *Recipient of Best of the Net nomination “Wendy”
Grand Little Things: “Absence,” “Anaïs Nin,” “Wild” “Shit, I’m Jealous,” “Dust and Ice,” “Skin”
Green Ink Poetry: “To the Cat Curled on My Coat”
The Headlight Review: “Cousin”
Hurricane Review: “Little Rhapsody,” “The Tattoo”
Illumen: “Collecting the Stuff of Dreams,” “Dinner Party,” “Hungry,” “A Woman Named Isis”
Ink Quill Literary and Arts Magazine: “Bookends,” “Masks”
International Bipolar Foundation’s “Bipolar Impulses | How to Deal with Them,” “Comforting Affirmations for Bipolar Disorder,” “How to Talk to a Loved One with Bipolar Disorder,” “Journaling through Bipolar Cycles”
Iodine Poetry Journal: “Expired” “Offering” “Surrogates”
Main Street Rag: “Aphrodede” “Daily” “Outage”
Margie: “Prescriptions”
Moon City Review: “Ghosts” “Worms”
NC Poet Laureate Kathryn Stripling Byer’s NC Arts Blog: “Preteens off a Tennessee Backroad”
NC Poet Laureate Kathryn Stripling Byer’s Blog My Laureate Lasso: “Eastbound”
Nibble: “Stepmother” “Waking”
Pearl: “Love Spell”
Puffin Circus: “The Scent of the Moon”
Riddled with Arrows: '“Journaling in the Psych Ward” “Bound”
Shepherd’s Check: “Marriage”
Sounds of the Night: “The Other Here” “Transport”
Third Wednesday: “Valentines”
The Waiting Room: “The Lord’s Operating Table” “The Other”
Wanderlust Review: “Mid-20s” “Honeymoon”
Welter: “Brick”